Can Sketchnoting Be the Next Step in Visual Learning?

By Kathy Reeves
29 June, 2016


Keep reading and you'll find a printable concept map for teaching atomic structure in grades 6-8. If you're a middle school science teacher, I'm certain it will be one of your go-to activities for teaching this concept. While you know the value of integrating text and visual imagery in your classroom activities (you can read a previous post about this here), have you considered taking it a step further and introducing sketchnoting?

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Keep Calm and Teach with Graphic Organizers!

By Kathy Reeves
23 June, 2016


You're teaching plant and animal adaptations to a diverse group of 28 elementary students. Your formative assessment results indicate that many of them aren't understanding the concept, so you reach into your magic teacher toolkit and pull out an activity that requires information processing and critical thinking. Concept mapping, graphic organizing, mind mapping – call it what you will – is a process supported by research that provides a powerful punch of educational value.

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Hi! I'm Kathy Reeves, President and Founder of Scientific Minds, LLC.  I'm a teacher, edupreneur, and software developer. I'm on a mission to develop quality, web-based science education products that inspire, encourage, and promote next-generation skills for student success. Learn more

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